Single unit sugars are known as monosaccharides. Those commonly found in food are glucose, fructose (one of tha main sugars in fruits), and galactose (in milk). Two monosaccharides that are linked together are known as disaccharides. Those commonly found are sucrose (glucose+fructose), maltose (glucose+glucose), and lactose (glucose+galactose).
References to "sugars" means any combination of di-, monno- and oligosaccharides, while references to "sugar" mean sucrose or table sugar.
During digestion, all food carbohydrates (sugars and starches) break down into single molecule sugars. They are then absorbed from our intestine into the blood stream then travel to the cells to provide energy for cellular functions.
Sugar beet and sugar cane is two different types of plants that provide the world with most of its sugar. Sugar beet is grown in temperate climates whereas sugar cane is grown in tropical and subtropical regions.
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Sugar canes |
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Sugar beets |
Sugar is one of the world’s oldest ingredients. According to The American Heart Association, adult men should eat no more than 36 grams, or 9 teaspoons and women no more than 24 grams or 6 teaspoon, per day.
The only taste humans are born craving is sugar.
Dogs enjoy sweet foods but cats dont, this is because cats dont have sweetness receptors in their brains.
Excess sugar consumption has been linked to cancer production. According to studies, high sugar intake affects negatively the survival rates in both colon cancer patients and breast cancer patients.
Excess sugar consumption can also increase the overall risk for heart disease. Not only that, sugar changes the muscle protein of the heart and also the pumping mechanics of the heart.
When our body cannot clear glucose or sugar quick enough, then sugar can destroy tissue. That is what diabetes is basically, the inability to eliminate glucose.
A 2009 study tells us that glucose consumption can accelerate the aging of cells in our body. Additionally, a 2012 study also tells us that consuming too much sugar can cause deficiencies in human memory and overall cognitive processing.
We can find sugar in unlikely places like tonic water, bread, tomato sauce, fat-free dressing, marinades, and crackers. Lemons have more sugar than strawberries.
Alcohol and sugar have similar toxic liver effects.
At least 180,000 deaths worldwide are linked to sweetened-beverage consumption (according to a 2013 study). The U.S. alone accounted for 25,000 deaths in 2010.
One teaspoon of white sugar has 15 calories.
One teaspoon of corn syrup has 20 calories.
While foods rich in fiber, protein, and fat help make us feel full, sugar does not create feelings of satiety.
The sweetest compound known is called lugduname. Compared to sugar, it is 20,000 times sweeter.
The World Health Organization (WHO) tells us that every day we should consume less sugar than is found in one regular soda.
Most sugar is consumed by Americans through regular soft drinks (33%), followed by candy and sugars (16.1%); cookies, pies, and cakes (12.9%); fruit drinks (9.7%); milk and dairy desserts (8.6%); and other grains (5.8%).
If you want to know the amount of calories from sugar in a product, you can multiply the gram by 4. For example, a product containing 20 grams of sugar has 80 calories from sugar per serving.
India is the world’s largest consumer of sugar, whereas Brazil is the world’s largest producer of sugar cane. About 70% of all sugar produced is actually used in its country of origin.
Sugar is useful in cooking: it prevents food from spoiling, it helps cakes and bread rise, brings out the flavor in many different foods, and keeps the color of fruit by holding water.
Sugar can cause wrinkles via glycation, this happens if excess blood sugar binds to collagen in your skin and makes it less elastic.
Researchers tell us that those who drink 2.5 cans of sugary soda daily are more likely to be anxious and depressed than those who drink less. According to brain scans, sugar is as addictive as cocaine.
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